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Thesis Dissertation: Asier Brull Mesanza - 11/02/2022

February 11th, 2022, the Doctoral Thesis defense of PhD student Asier Brull Mesanza was hold with 3 publications ranked Q1&Q2-JCR, 3 International Conference papers published in Springer books, and a patent request at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (P202130682). His work entitled: ‘Development of a Sensorized Tip for Physical Activity Classification and Fall Detection / Jarduera Fisikoa Sailkatu eta Erorikoak Detektatzeko Punta Sentsorizatu baten Garapena' has been co-supervised by Dra. Itziar Cabanes and Dr. Asier Zubizarreta (both from Department of Automatic Con.... Read more

Thesis Dissertation: Iratxe Niño-Adán - 08/02/2022

This past Tuesday, February 8 2022, the Doctoral Thesis defense of PhD student Iratxe Niño was hold with 4 publications ranked Q1-JCR and one publication ranked Q2-JCR. Her work entitled: ‘Design and Development of Soft-sensors in the Context of Oil and Gas 4.0: an AutoML Approach based on Machine Learning Feature Engineering' has been co-supervised by Dr. Itziar Landa (Petronor I+D) and Dr. Eva Portillo (Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of the Basque Country) . The thesis has received the ‘Industrial Doctorate’ distinc.... Read more

6th Workshop on Intelligent Modelling & Control - 21/01/2022

El pasado viernes 21 de enero el grupo de investigación ViSens celebró su sexto Workshop on Intelligent Modelling & Control. En dicho foro, varias y varios doctorandos y estudiantes de máster presentaron sus progresos en las distintas líneas de investigación del grupo:

Métodos de implementación en tiempo real de estrategias de modulación con baja frecuencia de conmutación.

Framework para simulación de platooning en entornos urbanos.

Sistema de etiquetado automático basad.... Read more

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