Who we are

The Virtual Sensorization research group (VISENS) has a demonstrated experience in the design and development of Virtual Sensors, based on machine learning techniques to estimate variables of great potential but often difficult, costly or impossible to measure using traditional sensing techniques. Areas such as Automation for Digital Transformation, Energy Transition, Connected Vehicles or Bioengineering Applications require solutions that make it possible to obtain information on the internal functioning of processes.

The ability to extract relevant information from a system to address increasingly complex problems is an area of major interest. But this development is not trivial since it requires defining a suitable methodology that adapts to the particularities of the field of application, as well as considering aspects such as the appropriate choice of the inference technique, the relationship between the basic variables and the variable of interest, or the complexity of the system.

The VISENS research group focuses on four demanded areas: Bioengineering Applications, Intelligent Manufacturing and Industry, Collaborative and intelligent Robotics and Automated Vehicles. All of them fully aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

Currently, VISENS is recognised as a level A group of the Basque University System (Ref. IT1726-22) funded by the Basque Government.