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Itziar Cabanes Axpe

Full Professor

Faculty of Engineering, Bilbao (UPV-EHU)
Tel: 946013951

Research Areas

  • Intelligent manufacturing and industry
  • Collaborative and intelligent Robotics
  • Applications in Biomedical Engineering

Publications & Projects


Itziar Cabanes is Full Professor in the Automatic Control and Systems Engineering Department at the Higher Technical Engineering School (ETSI) in Bilbao. She obtained her PhD in Manufacturing, in the Mechanical Engineeering Department from the ETSI in 2001, with Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

Her research lines focuses on the field of virtual sensors and artificial intelligence to improve manufacturing processes and healthcare applications (rehabilitation robots, smart devices for monitoring and anomalies detection in multiple sclerosis patients, etc.). She leads the multidisciplinary Virtual Sensorization Research Group, recognized as Group A from the Basque Government (ref. IT1726-22). She is the author of 52 articles in JCR indexed scientific journals and others 30 contributions as chapter of books and proceedings of ISI Web of Knowledge. Additionally, she is the co-author and speaker of more than 110 communications in national and international conferences in the field of robotics, healthcare assistance devices and manufacturing processes, where she has been awarded with 9 prizes for the best scientific contribution. Member of the organizing and scientific committee of 5 conferences, national and international. From an industrial and research point of view, she has participated in nearly 50 competitive international, national and regional research projects. In the area of knowledge transfer to the productive sector, he has participated in mofre than 20 research contracts with companies, in many of which she has acted as principal investigator. She is also a co-author of 3 patent applications (EP22185211, EP22177087 and EP22382785) currently under review, one utility model (ES 1 256 494U) and 2 software tools in Robotics area in the Trademark Registry Office (00/2008/4664 and 00/2008/4665).

She has supervised 14 PhD Thesis (10 finished -one of them obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate award, 3 with international mention and 2 with industrial mention, - 4 ongoing) as well as more than a hundred Final Degree/Master Projects and also Erasmus+ Projects with exchange students. In addition, she is also an evaluator for Fundamental Research Projects of the Spanish State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, and of the Spanish National Agency of Evaluation and Prospective (ANEP) since 2011 to the present. Finally, she is a membership of different scientific committees, membership of the CEA-GTRob network and the representative of Engineering and Architecture in the UPV/EHU Postgraduate Commission, among other management positions.



  • Automation and industrial robotics
  • Artificial intelligent Applications in Healthcare and Manufacturing Processes
  • Virtual Sensorization
  • Control and Automation
  • Advanced Control in Robotics