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Asier Zubizarreta

Associate Professor

Bilbao School of Engineering (UPV-EHU)
Tel: 946013978

Research Areas

  • Collaborative and intelligent Robotics
  • Applications in Biomedical Engineering
  • Automated Driving

Publications & Projects


Asier Zubizarreta graduated in Automation and Electronics Engineering in 2006, and obtained his PhD in Robotics and Automatic Control Systems at the University of the Basque Country in 2010. He is part of the department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at the Bilbao School of Engineering  (UPV/EHU), where he is vicedean of Study Programmes.

His research focuses on Applications in BIomedican Engineering (Virtual Sensors for monitoring), and Automated Driving. In addition, he is main researcher of the Formula Student Bizkaia project.


  • Real-time control technologies
  • Robotic control and programing
  • Model-based Predictive Control
  • Control Theory
  • Automation
  • IT, IA and Computer Science