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Premio Accésit a la mejor Tesis Doctoral en Control Inteligente - 29/06/2022

Iratxe Niño ha recibido el Premio Accésit a la mejor Tesis Doctoral en Control Inteligente en el XVII Simposio CEA de Control Inteligente celebrado en la Escuela de Ingenierías Industrial, Informática y Aeroespacial de la Universidad de León entre los días 27 y 29 de junio de 2022. En dicho foro, Iratxe NIño realizó una excelente presentación  de su tesis titulada Design and Development of Soft-sensors in the Context of Oil and Gas 4.0: an AutoML Approach based on Machine Learning Feature EngineeringRead more

International Women´s Day - VISENS - 08/03/2022

From left to right at the top, professors Eva Portillo, Aitziber Mancisidor, Itziar Cabanes and Asier Zubizarreta.
From left to right at the bottom, PhD students Janire Otamendi, Nerea Pérez, Sergio Lucas and Patrick Vermander.

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About ViSens

The expertise of VISENS Research Group developing Virtual Sensors is since 2004. New approaches related with machine learning techniques, as well as unsupervised classification techniques and optimisation algorithms, allow the improvement of systems governed by implicit relationships. Concretely, the focus of VISENS encompasses four research areas: Bioengineering Applications, Intelligent Manufacturing and Industry, Robotics and Automated Vehicles.

We offer different services to technological centres and institutions: carrying out development projects, Industrial Thesis, writing technical reports, and teaching training courses.

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