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Thesis dissertation: Adriana Navajas Guerrero - 03/07/2023

This past Monday, July 3 2023, the Doctoral Thesis defense of PhD student Adriana Navajas was hold with 2 publications ranked Q1-JCR. Her work entitled: ‘A Hyper-heuristic Inspired Methodology for Failure Prediction in the Context of Industry 4.0' has been co-supervised by Dr. Diana Manjarrés (Tecnalia) and Dr. Eva Portillo (Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of the Basque Country) . The Thesis Committee was formed by Dr. Matilde Santos Peñas  (Complutense University of Madrid), Dr. Ana González Marcos (University .... Read more

EP4H2: Un proyecto para el desarrollo de soluciones para el Hidrógeno Verde - 01/02/2023

El grupo VISENS participa en la iniciativa EP4H2, liderada por Tecnalia R&I y en la que también colaboran con Ingeteam, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, así como otros grupos de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), que consiste en investigar en tecnologías innovadoras que permitan mejorar la eficiencia, el coste y la flexibilidad de los electrolizadores, y así avanzar hacia una producción de hidrógeno verde con costes competitivos.

La creciente demanda energética y el aumento de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto .... Read more

Itziar Cabanes Axpe participated in the Matchmaking: SMART Medical Devices and Robotics, last October 25-26, 2022 - 25/10/2022

Itziar Cabanes Axpe, from the VISENS research group participated in the round table entitled "Challenges of Industry and R&D&I in Euskadi, MedTech and Robotics" within the SMART Medical Devices and Robotics Matchmaking event, last October 25-26, 2022.
The researcher explained the potential of the UPV/EHU to generate talent for this sector "Smart Health" around its 4 strategic axes: teaching, research, transfer and internationalization. she ended with a vision of the future from the point of view of the University to shape the Basque ecosystem that is d.... Read more

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