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February 11th, 2022, the Doctoral Thesis defense of PhD student Asier Brull Mesanza was hold with 3 publications ranked Q1&Q2-JCR, 3 International Conference papers published in Springer books, and a patent request at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (P202130682). His work entitled: ‘Development of a Sensorized Tip for Physical Activity Classification and Fall Detection / Jarduera Fisikoa Sailkatu eta Erorikoak Detektatzeko Punta Sentsorizatu baten Garapena' has been co-supervised by Dra. Itziar Cabanes and Dr. Asier Zubizarreta (both from Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of the Basque Country). The thesis, qualified Cum Laude, has received the ‘international Doctorate’ distinction since Asier Brull stayed 3 months at the University of Bologna, with the collaboration of the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering. Additionaly, Asier Brull wrote and presented the Thesis in Basque Language. The Thesis Committee was formed by Dr. José Maria Sabater (University of Miguel Hernandez de Elche), Dr. Luca Palmerini and Dra. Eva Portillo (Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of the Basque Country).