Publications :: Impact Factor Journals

Flores, J., , I., Cabanes, I. Thermal monitoring and control by infrared camera in the manufacture of parts with laser metal deposition, Dyna, vol. 95, No. 4, pp. 9379, 2020. JCR Impact Factor: 1.113 (2020). Quartile: Q4.
Matute, J.A., Marcano, M., Diaz, â.E., Zubizarreta, A., Perez, J. Lateral-Acceleration-Based Vehicle-Models-Blending for Automated Driving Controllers, Electronics, pp. 1-17, 2020. JCR Impact Factor: Q2 (2020). Quartile: 2.397.
Parra, A., J., A., Zubizarreta, A., Perez, J. Validation of a real-time capable multibody vehicle dynamics formulation for Automotive Testing Frameworks based on Simulation, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 213253-213265, 2020. JCR Impact Factor: 3.367 (2020). Quartile: Q2.
Arriandiaga, A., Portillo, E., Espinosa-Ramos, I., Kasabov, N. Pulsewidth Modulation-Based Algorithm for Spike Phase Encoding and Decoding of Time-Dependent Analog Data, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems , vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 3920-3931, 2020. JCR Impact Factor: 10.45 (2020). Quartile: 1.
Brull, A., Zubizarreta, A., Cabanes, I., Rodriguez, A. Sensorized Tip for Monitoring People with Multiple Sclerosis that Require Assistive Devices for Walking, Sensors, vol. 20, No. 15, pp. 4329, 2020. JCR Impact Factor: 3.576 (2020). Quartile: Q1.
Mancisidor, A., Zubizarreta, A., Cabanes, I., Bengoa, P., Brull, A., Hyung, J. Inclusive and seamless control framework for safe robot-mediated therapy for upper limbs rehabilitation, Mechatronics, vol. 58, pp. 70-79, 2019. JCR Impact Factor: 2.978 (2019). Quartile: Q1.
Sesar, I., Zubizarreta, A., Cabanes, I., Portillo, E., Torres, J., Rodriguez, A. Instrumented Crutch Tip for Monitoring Force and Crutch Pitch angle, Sensors, vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 2944, 2019. JCR Impact Factor: 3.275 (2019). Quartile: Q1.
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