Research Areas :: Publications

Applications in bioengineering

Sesar, I., Zubizarreta, A., Cabanes, I. Algoritmo para la estimación del ángulo anteroposterior de una muleta sensorizada, XL Jornadas de Automática , Ferrol, España, 2019. ISBN: 978-84-9749-716-9.
Etxegarai, U., Portillo, E., Irazusta, J., Arriandiaga, A., Cabanes, I. Estimation of lactate threshold with machine learning techniques in recreational runners, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 63, pp. 181-196, 2018. JCR Impact Factor: 4.873 (2018). Quartile: Q1.
Etxegarai, U., Insunza, A., Santos-Concejero, J., Gil, S.M., Portillo, E., Irazusta, J. Prediction of performance by heart rate-derived parameters in recreational runners, Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 36, No. 18, pp. 2129-2137, 2018. JCR Impact Factor: 2.811 (2018). Quartile: 1.
Etxegarai, U., Portillo, E., Irazusta, J., Cabanes, I. An accessible lactate threshold assessment tool to support endurance athletes' trainings, 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2018), Valencia, 2018.
Sesar, I., Mancisidor, A., Brull, A., Zubizarreta, A., Cabanes, I. Development of an instrumented crutch to measure inclination and discharged weight , XXXIX Jornadas de Automática, Badajoz, España, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-09-04460-3.
Etxegarai, U., Portillo, E., Cabanes, I., Irazusta, J. Estimation of lactate threshold using machine learning techniques, 22nd ECSS Congress, MetropolisRuhr, Alemania, 2017.
Irazusta, J., Etxegarai, U., Insunza, A., Santos-Concejero, J., Portillo, E., Gil, S.M. Prediction of performance by heart rate-derived parameters in recreational runners, 22nd ECSS Congress, MetropolisRuhr, Alemania, 2017.
Etxegarai, U., Portillo, E., Irazusta, J., Cabanes, I. Estimación del Umbral de Lactato mediante Técnicas de Aprendizaje Automático, XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingenierí­a Biomédica (CASEIB2017), Bilbao, 2017.
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