Research Areas

Applications in Biomedical Engineering

About the research area

The background achieved by the group enable generate new methods for developing virtual sensors for intelligent embebbed assisted-devices in medical and health care area. They provide efficient solutions to the need for personalisation of medicine, rehabilitation and sport applications. Concretely, their developments are aligned with the third of the Sustainable Development Goals "Good Health and well-being”, ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being at all ages.

Some of the main research issues of VISENS group are focused on the development of intelligent systems and devices (non-invasive) for the diagnostic and rehabilitation of the upper and lower limb to increase the functionality on neurologic pathology patients, or sclerosis and stroke patients where the potential of neuroplasticity is higher and the mobility is limited.

In this area, a multidisciplinary research group is working together with expertise in control issues, intelligent diagnostics and in functional quantification and neurorehabilitation. Another main research issue is focused on measuring and processing physiological variables and parameters in endurance sports with the aim of estimating parameters that currently require assessing to a specialized medical center as well as a high price. The proposed methods are based on the application of machine learning techniques.

This research is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Basque Goberment and Campus Deportivo virtual S.L. among others (the latter is expert in applying the intensive use of new technologies to multiple sports). It also collaborates with entities and organisations such as ADEMBI (Bizkaia Multiple Sclerosis Patients' Association), ADACEN and FEKOOR, among others.
