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Application of intelligent control techniques in wire electrical discharge machining. Aplicación de técnicas de control inteligente en el proceso de electroerosión por hilo (UPV05/114)

  • Lead researchers: Itziar Cabanes Axpe - (01/12/2005 - 30/11/2007)
  • Funding body: University of the Basque Country

Based on results from previous projects (Empirical modelling of Wire electrical discharge machining to optimise the discharge quality, and Analysis and Diagnosis of discharge quality in wire electrical discharge machining), which show that, although the basic features of the degraded behaviours are the same in both thicknesses analysed, the thresholds met by virtual measures differ. Thus, we propose the definition of one structure that can automatically adapt parameters in a given range of thicknesses, with the aim of...

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Analysis and diagnosis of the quality of discharge in the electrical discharge machining process. Análisis y diagnóstico de la calidad de la descarga en el proceso de electroerosión por hilo (1/UPV00146.363-T-15319/2003)

  • Lead researchers: Itziar Cabanes Axpe - (01/12/2005 - 30/11/2007)
  • Funding body: University of the Basque Country

The main aim of this project is to determine the quality of discharge in wire electrical discharge machining from a database created with a comprehensive set of experiences in both stable and degraded regimes. The project focuses on the study and description of the quality of discharge so that in the future, the control system of the machine is capable of detecting the tendency of the process early and can correct the malfunctioning in advance. Thus, based on previous results (Project “Empirical modelling...

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Empirical modelling of wire electrical discharge machining to optimise the quality of discharge. Modelado empí­rico del proceso de Electroerosión por Hilo para la Optimización de la Calidad de las descargas (OD02UN45)

  • Lead researchers: Marga Marcos - (17/10/2003 - 06/10/2005)
  • Funding body: Basque Country Government (SAIOTEK) and ONA-ELECTROEROSIÓN

The main aim of this project is to obtain empirical modelling of wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) by implementing a series of experimental tests for different cutting regimes and for different workpiece thicknesses. For this, we define an acquisition and dignosis system performed on an industrial WEDM. The aim of such a system is  to analyse a wide range of tests in order to detect a set of key variables that allow us to foresee the wire breakage and instability of the process.

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