Evolución tecnológica para la automatización multivehicular y evaluación de funciones de conducción altamente automatizadas (AutoEv@l)
- Lead researchers: Asier Zubizarreta - (01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021)
- Funding body: Gobierno Vasco/ Eusko Jaurlaritza
This coordinated project has as the main goal to define an appropriate testing environment and methodologies, which includes intelligent management of data, and a set of tools, techniques and controls, to aid in the development of highly automated functions in vehicles. The project consortium is composed by UPV/EHU (VISENS Group and GDED Group), Tecnalia, MU, AIC, DEIT, Ikerlan, CAM, VICOMTECH. In the consortium, VISENS participates in work package 3: Research and develoment of highly automated sensors and...
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